Lenovo’s AI PC: A Resurgence for the Sluggish Market

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The PC market, facing a downturn, is eagerly seeking a “new story” for revival, and Lenovo believes its AI-powered PCs might just be the breakthrough. At the Tiger Sniff 2023 F&M Innovation Festival, Ablikim Ablimiti (Amu), Lenovo Group’s Vice President, championed the potential of Lenovo’s AI PC, envisioning it as the forefront of inclusive large models.

In 2017, Lenovo introduced the “All in AI” strategy, focusing on artificial intelligence and computing as pivotal anchor technologies. The recent 9th Lenovo Innovation and Technology Conference marked a new phase in the “AI for ALL” initiative. Yang Yuanqing, Lenovo Group’s Chairman and CEO, emphasized that “AI for All” aims to make artificial intelligence accessible to everyone.

The Era of Hybrid AI PC

Lenovo’s vision for “AI for All” prominently features AI PCs. These PCs are seen as a crucial element in redefining the personal computing experience based on individual preferences and needs. Amu highlighted the shift from being users of public models to becoming contributors, with AI becoming a consistent blend of public and private models.


Image Scource:What is artificial intelligence (AI)?

The PC is the perfect bridge between the two. Amu said, “Computers, with their wide range of modal interactions, provide the most comprehensive environment for AI’s application. Since PCs are content creators, they can be the best consumers and creators of content.”

AI PC and Privacy

When it comes to privacy and security amid the debate over big models, Lenovo wants to provide a convincing use case. In a recent interview, Yang Yuanqing said that AI PCs will hit the market in the 2nd half of next year, reinforcing Lenovo’s focus on user privacy and security.

According to Liu Jun, Lenovo China’s President, AI PCs will increase the company’s profits, which were initially seen as premium products. The ability to run high-end models on PCs necessitates faster processors, more memory, and more features.

Breaking the Siege on the PC Market

The launch of AI PCs is poised to address the challenges faced by the PC market. The first quarter of 2023 witnessed a substantial 28% YoY decline in global PC shipments, marking the lowest point in a decade. Contributing factors included global macroeconomic challenges, disrupted supply chains, and weakened consumer purchasing power.

Recent trends suggest a potential rebound in the PC market. IDC’s Q3 2023 report indicates a 7.6% YoY decline in global PC shipments but an 11% QoQ increase, signaling a gradual return to normal market demand levels.

Lenovo’s Q2 fiscal report for 2023/2024 revealed a decline in revenue and operating profit for the smart device business group due to channel inventory accumulation. However, after inventory digestion, the pressure eased, indicating a positive trajectory.

AI in Mobile Phones: A Step Ahead?

While Lenovo champions AI PCs as the optimal carriers for generative AI, competitors in the mobile phone industry have taken steps in a similar direction. Vivo, OPPO, Xiaomi, Huawei, and Honor have all embraced AI large models in their mobile devices, potentially outpacing the integration of AI in the PC market.

Everbright Securities predicts that, by 2026, nearly 50% of terminal equipment processors in the Chinese market will feature AI engines. The trend of AI in mobile phones is gaining momentum, indicating a potential shift in the consumer electronics industry.

In conclusion, Lenovo’s AI PCs present a promising prospect for rejuvenating the PC market. However, the mobile phone industry’s early adoption of AI large models raises questions about the competitive landscape. The future may see an intriguing interplay between AI-powered PCs and mobile devices, reshaping the trajectory of personal computing.

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